lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013

THE RESONANCE BOX - the central concept of musicality and personality development

Neuroscience shows that musicality has to do with networking of different brain regions. ( Axis 2 somatic of SWISSpsy 5-D System ) The auditory cortex works together with the limbic system, with the premotor cortex and with the visual cortex. ( Axis 4 somatic ) EEG and MEG analysis show that Gamma-Frequency Range reflects Synchronization and Orchestration of the different brain areas. Synchronized Oscillation on Gamma Range shows network resonance. ( Axis 3 somatic ) This internal concert - room permits mental anticipation of performance.

This neuronal networking is transmitted and integrated over Axis 4 ( psycho-somatic-social ) from older brains to younger ones. This is why the development of musicality has to be a main pillar in family and school. We could say that democracy begins in our brains on the level of synchronized networking of different brain areas and of synchronized trans-generational networking of human brains. 

jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013




The fundamental needs of human beings are : security - uniqueness - belonging to the group
Fundamental group processes as described by Maturana are : forming - storming - norming - performing. The workshop investigated how to integrate these issues during the process from meeting other musicians, forming a group up to performing a concert.


Musicality and Development of Personality. The connecting element is the intrapsychic box of resonance, where the different voices of the Person can be orchestrated. This internal concert hall is the basic element of internalized democracy and should become a main pillar of scholar education.

Flamenco by its three-fold expression cante - toque - baile examplifies the psico-somatic-social character of resonance communication which leads to trance and deep - touching experience of human souls.